Each month, on the second Thursday of the month at 2:00pm, we have a talk, open to all members, featuring an invited speaker, and covering a diverse range of topics as you can see from the programme below. Members know that they can look forward to an entertaining, as well as interesting, afternoon and there is also the chance to socialise afterwards over a cup of tea or coffee.

Sometimes, if there is a fifth Thursday in a month, we organise an additional talk. In 2025, this happens in October.

These talks take place in the Broadway Baptist Church, Broadway, Chesham, which is wheelchair-accessible and equipped with a hearing loop.

The June talk each year is preceded by our Annual General Meeting, where the Committee reports to the members and Committee Members are elected or re-elected.

Current Programme

9th January Andy Smith: Prosthetic Perils
13th February Andrew Baker: Seventy Remarkable Years (Elizabeth II)
13th March Martin Orkin: The Simon and Garfunkel Story
10th April Rob Brewer: Being a TV/Film Extra
8th May John Tyler: The Ridgeway
12th June Helen Fry: The Walls Have Ears
10th July (Speaker and topic to be announced) 
14th August Tony Long: Midsomer Murders
11th September Richard Marks: Women in World War Two
9th October Siean Bourn: The Dogs Trust
30th October (Speaker and topic to be announced)
13th November Mark Barbakoff: The History of Bletchley Park
11th December Jem Duducu: Hollywood Blockbusters and Bombs